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│ Triangular Graduate Conference on Asian Philosophy │


Second Annual NUS-National Chengchin University-Kyoto University Triangular Graduate Conference on Asian Philosophy

National University of Singapore and Yale-NUS College

6-8 March 2015

Friday 6 March

2:00-3:30 Yasuo Deguchi’s Keynote: Nishida’s Contradictory Self-identity Reconstructed

3:30-3:45 Break

3:45-4:15 Ryo Tanaka, KU, “Two Images of the World: Sellars and Buddhism”

4:15-4:45 Masumi Aoki, KU “Manshi Kiyosawa: A Case of the Reception of Western Philosophy in Japan”

4:45-5:00 Break

5:00-6:00 Phillippe Major NUS “The Tradition of Anti-Traditionalism: Transcendence in Sartre and Nishitani”

Evening free

Saturday 7 March

9:30-11:00 30 Loy Hui Chueh’s Keynote "A Divine-Will Conception of Ethical Foundations in the Mozi"

11:00-11:15 Break

11:15-12:15 Ellie Wang, NCCU, “On Xunzi’s View of the Transformation of Human Nature”

12:15-1:15 Lunch (buffet at FASS)

1:15-2:15 Maiko Yamamori (KU) “A Mathematical Interpretation of I Ching”

2:15-2:30 Break

2:30-330 Taro Okamura and Kazuhira Watanabe (KU) “On the Notion of Self: Hume and Asian Thought”

3:30-3:45 Break

3:45-4:15 Daryl Ooi Shen NUS : “Some Dance to Remember - Zhuangzi and theProblem of Suffering.”

4:15-4:45 Lee Wilson (NUS) “Diluvian Discourses: Zhiyan and Therapeutic Scepticism in the Zhuangzi”

4:45-5:45 Mary Riley (NUS) “The Role of Ming and Ethics in the Zhuangzi”

8:00-??? Party at Jay’s and Blaine’s place

Sunday 8 March

9:30-11:00 LIN Chen-Kuo’s Keynote, “Perceiving thathatā as ālambana: On Chinese Yogācāra interpretations of Dignāga’s Investigation of the Percept”

11:00-11:15 Break

11:45-12:15 WU Chih-YIng NCCU, “How are Empty Words Used for Negation in Nāgārjunaa’s Vigrahavyāvartanī?”

12:15-2:00 Lunch (not provided)

2:00-3:00 LIN Fang-Min NCCU “Language in the Realm of Ultimate Truth: On Bhāviveka’s Theory of the Two Truths in the Treatise on the Jewel in the Hand”

2:30-2:45 Break

2:45-3:45 HU Zhi-Chang NCCU “Saṃghabhadra’s Theory of Self-Cognition in the Abdhidharma-nyāyānusāra-śāstra”

3:45-4:45 Maekel Schmaeling (NUS) “Developing a moral taste – Rasa & Katharsis between Ethics & Aesthetics”

4:45-5:00 Closing Remarks

  標題 作者 點閱數 發表時間
 Diluvian Discourses: Zhiyan and Therapeutic Scepticism in The Zhuangzilee_wilson249707/04/2015 01:04PM
 Re: Kiyozawa Manshi: A Case of the Reception of Western Philosophy in JapanKICAS_adm287004/21/2015 01:53PM
 Kiyozawa Manshi: A Case of the Reception of Western Philosophy in JapanMasumi Aoki286304/20/2015 04:42AM
 Re: An Mathematical Interpretation of I ChingKICAS_adm257504/10/2015 01:35PM
 Re: An Mathematical Interpretation of I Chinggustav268504/09/2015 08:11PM
 An Mathematical Interpretation of I Chingmaiko206504/09/2015 07:29PM
 Re: Two Images of the WorldRyo Tanaka160904/05/2015 07:38PM
 Re: "Judgment of perception" and "Judgment of experience" in Kant (Workshop in Yang Ming University, Taiwan.)Yasuo Deguchi171604/03/2015 04:54PM
 "Judgment of perception" and "Judgment of experience" in Kant (Workshop in Yang Ming University, Taiwan.)Jin SASAKI187604/02/2015 04:59AM
 Two Images of the WorldRyo Tanaka198803/30/2015 05:26PM


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