歡迎光臨美寶平台! │ 我的書桌會員登入免費註冊美寶平台專區首頁專區地圖
│ How to use the platform? │

Authority structure of the platform

The authority structure of this site is very simple. Moderator manages memberships and approve posts on official pages including "Event" and "Panels." The rest part of the site, all members share the same authority. Members can edit profiles, post/reply messages, use "private communication" (including person to person and forming a communication group), manage your own account. Please try to play with the site bravely.

 (More information please refer to the message ... )

How to upload and manage my avatar?

On the platform, both the individual members and the institutional members can upload pictures to represent her-/him-/itself.

It is very easy to upload and manage the avatars... 

(More information please refer to the message ... )

How to edit my profile?

When you're logging in, you are directed to the page of your "Profile"; by clicking the user icon (indicated with a red arrow in the example below), you can go to the page, too.

Click on the button of "EDIT MY PROFILE" (indicated with a red square), you can begin to edit this page.

(More information please refer to the message ... )

How to use Private Communication?

In order to use "Private Communication," users have to log in first.

Press "Login/Logout" icon on the right hand side, type in your username and passwords, then you will see six icons.

(More information please refer to the message ...)

  標題 作者 點閱數 發表時間
 How to publish a post in multiple forums? ( The function of "Tags" )gustav315603/27/2015 03:21PM
 How to use Private Communication?KICAS_adm252801/26/2015 08:33PM
 How to edit my profile?KICAS_adm220001/07/2015 08:17PM
 How to upload and manage my avatar?KICAS_adm228312/24/2014 09:37PM
 Authority structure of the siteKICAS_adm207512/02/2014 08:19PM


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